Sunday, December 10, 2006

Booze Bazaar

House Spirits opened their distilling doors on Saturday between 12-5. It was quite packed when we arrived to sample the libations. House Spirits is the brainchild of Lee Medoff and Christian Krogstad. Their focus is on whiskey but their cash cow has been the Medoyeff vodka and Aviation Gin. Their newest addition is the Aquavit. We had Christian mix us up a couple of drinks as we sampled the choclate and ports around the distillery. Watching the two owners hobnob and drink was great fun....I am here to say - these boys can drink. They were recently written up in GQ and they are always in the papers around town. Read this WW article to learn more.

Pictures speak a thousand words....

this one screams - YUM!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sock Puppet Party

The cow received an invitation to a holiday party being hosted by a client he met through work. The company does Public Relations for companies like Kettle Chips and Gold Toe Socks. I just want to say ...these people know how to plan a party. They had a great three piece band, a full bar (free) and great food.

We picked up a glass of Evolution wine to start and made our way around the room. The sock puppet wall was beginning to fill up. The invitation was sent in a tube with all of the ingredients to create a sock puppet for the competition. The cow created Henrietta which for some reason he kept referring to her as a fish. As you can see from the really bad picture, there are several people a bit more creative than the cow. By the time we finished our first glass of wine we realized we had to choose between wine and pear brandy cocktails. I think both of us chose I nice glass of Pinot Noir. We found the room where the Kettle Chip tasting was in full swing. There were five flavors and voting cards. All of the flavors were from the new campaign so we felt we were adding our input. The five flavors were: Aztec Chocolate, Chili-lime, Island Jerk, Indian Curry and Five-Spice. When I first sat down I wanted to like the Aztec chocolate the best. It was a tie between the Indian curry and the Island jerk. We finished our wine, listened to the music and chatted with people who were waiting for the Tarot card reader. We skipped on over to Oaks Bottom pub and had a Hot Damn burger to top off a midweek extravaganza.