Monday, March 26, 2007

Half Century Bike Ride

That is correct.
You read it right, although it is a bit deceiving.
On Sunday the cow and I jumped on the bikes and rode a half century. Oh- hell no, not kilometers we took the half century beer drinking bike tour.
Our goals:
1. ride to every quadrant of city: therefore, we needed a brewery in the North,Northwest, Southwest, Northeast and Sourtheast.
2. Drink at least 50 ounces of beer (get it? a half century).
We surpassed the total number of ounces, but I don't believe we made it to every quadrant exactly.
After leaving home on a partially sunny afternoon we headed to the south waterfront area (SW). Non descript beer but pretty good service. We then meandered up waterfront park and rode into the Pearl (NW) where Bridgeport brewery awaited our every desire. The cow ordered a barley wine named Old KnuckleHead (that is fitting). Both of these establishments are in great locations but neither of them had their outside seating set up (disappointment).
We jumped back in the saddle and crossed the Broadway bridge to our 3rd destination - 5th Quandrant. Technically I think this brewery is considered NORTH portland but it seems like NE to me, so that is what I am going to categorize it as. This was by far my favorite place. We sat outside, the sun on my face, drank beautifully fragrant beer and watched the clouds drift in and out.
Next brewerey was just around the corner. I didn't have time to ride my buzz off - so the brewery known as Amnesia (N) was a fitting place to stop. They have newly installed bike parking that will hold up to 30 or so bikes! Love it! Thanks! This place is known for their outside seating because that is pretty much all they have. The beer is great and the weather fantastic but the SMOKERS SUCK! (RANT: I have decided instead of lighting the cancer stick these people should EAT THEM. That's right put the damn things in your mouth and chew. Go ahead enjoy it. Hold the flavor on your tongue for as long as you want. Swallow that shit and leave me out of your death race).
Lucky Lab (SE) to the rescue. This patio is so large that you can sit as far away from the smokers as you want. They have really great beer and awesome dog friendly clientele. The dogs are actually hilarious to watch. There was a big bull dog with only three legs and he seemed to bounce instead of walk. He loved all the other dogs and wanted attention from every person that walked by.
Last stop, just down the street from our house: Oaks Bottom (SE). As we pulled into the last brewery of the day and locked up the bikes the sun was just going down (it was about 7:45). I don't know how far we had ridden but we sat down to a salad, hot damn garden burger and of course, our last beer of the ride.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Insult of a Lifetime

I joined a couple of co-workers for a drink on a lovely Thursday evening. We had made our rounds: a couple of martini's at one place, a bottle of wine at another and lastly we decided on a coffee drink before returning home. We took a seat and a young (STUPID) bartender says: "Hey, you two have really young faces, can I see your I.D.?"
He was not looking at me.
I called him out and said, "You did NOT just say that!" He looked up like a deer in the headlights and I think finally realized what I meant. I gave him a piece of advice: "If you want to keep tips falling into your lap you might want to ask the WHOLE table for their ID instead of just calling out the 'young' looking faces.
Son of a bitch!

Shit Sandwich

I read this very fabulous quote on the door of a dive bar bathroom stall:
"Life is like a shit sandwich,
the more bread you have,
the less shit you have to eat."
