Friday, March 09, 2007

Insult of a Lifetime

I joined a couple of co-workers for a drink on a lovely Thursday evening. We had made our rounds: a couple of martini's at one place, a bottle of wine at another and lastly we decided on a coffee drink before returning home. We took a seat and a young (STUPID) bartender says: "Hey, you two have really young faces, can I see your I.D.?"
He was not looking at me.
I called him out and said, "You did NOT just say that!" He looked up like a deer in the headlights and I think finally realized what I meant. I gave him a piece of advice: "If you want to keep tips falling into your lap you might want to ask the WHOLE table for their ID instead of just calling out the 'young' looking faces.
Son of a bitch!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're just mad that he did not call you young. you're still way hot, even at your advanced age.