Saturday, November 03, 2007

Keeping the local economy going...

Wow! I never knew a walk through the neighborhood could result in so much economic growth. It is beautiful in Portland this fine November weekend. The cow and I rode our bikes to Trader Joes and loaded up on staples. We then walked down to the local grocer and picked up a couple of items that TJ's does not carry. We hit the hardware store so we can finish the cool panels our neighbor gave us. We then strolled into the liquor store for scotch and tequilla as well as purchasing a great piece of art at Tilde. We rounded out our afternoon stroll at BOTH of the wine stores - we got a bit sauced and purchased several bottles. We then had to figure out how to get everything home without hurting ourselves or falling down. Great Day in the ole NorthWest. Right now I can smell garlic roasting for the pizza the cow will be making in less than an hour. I am so hungry right now I could it my arm.

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

i think you guys might be boozers