Friday, January 04, 2008

New Year's Eve 2007

The gang headed to lovely Northern California for a little R&R this year. We met in Oakland and zoomed off to Sonoma for a couple of days of wine tasting. We stopped at Roche and Cline before heading off to the city of Sonoma where we stayed just off the plaza at The Cottage Inn.
After laying low for a couple of days the sun came out and we moved ourselves to the city by the bay. It was beautiful-check out those blue skies. We ended up at Rogue brewery for lunch right next door to North Beach and every Italian fantasy you could have with food. Our days were spent walking or as everyone likes to call it "marching."
New Year's Eve we got dressed up and went to Cow Hollow/Union Street for dinner at Terzo. The evening actually ended rather quietly as we all headed back around 2:00am.

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