Saturday, January 07, 2006

New Years Eve

NYE started in the suite of els & GoS! On hand were a couple of bottles of champagne and a bottle of red vino. The group was getting ready to see what Montreal had to offer.
Champagne cork art was created with a final display shown on the dining room table. K.Pickolick (yes this is a real name) had called the restaurant to extend our dinner reservation from 8:00 to 9:00 as we needed to finish our bottles of bubbly. Upon arriving at "Il Sole" the nice gentleman said they had given away our reservation. Yikes! NYE and no reservation. One would think this to be a problem but we sat at the bar and had another cocktail while a couple of our members hashed out the issue of location.
We ended up at a Mexican Restaurant that served a Lebanese style Kebob dinner with Belly Dancers and really fun music. Glasses were raised and broken - the contents of which went home on our clothing - and dancing ensued.
We then headed to a basement bar that gave us a warm welcome (we had been there earlier during the week). The music was described as 60's garage music. We tore the place up. I have never seen els dance so much.
All of a sudden it is 3:15 am and K.Pick leaves us high and dry. He just disappears.
We all pile out into the freezing cold - grab a cab and head back to the hotel. When I finally crawled into bed (had to get the smoke off me and out of my hair) it was 4:30 am.
Ahhh! Another great New Years Eve with friends!


El Serracho! said...

"hashed out" well put.

sinisterhaley said...

Thanks! I stayed out of it! Just sat back and drank a cocktail.