Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sellwood Walk

The sun was peaking through the window this morning and I was ready to go. The time was only 7:05am. The cow does not like it on Saturday mornings when I am wide awake and ready to go as I open my eyes. I have learned to be more patient, I now allow him to finish his coffee before I put my tennis shoes on and ask him to join me on a walk.
He was ready for me today. In a book that he gave me when we moved last year (this weekend marks the cow's one year anniversary in PDX) he found a nice walk around Sellwood that took us to destinations we had not passed before.
We started out heading down a trail next to the river traveling north to Oaks Park. The park is one of the ten oldest amusement parks in the US and it opened in 1905, two days before the Lewis and Clark exposition. We learned the flood waters inundate the area quite often.
The large reddish tree is a Copper Beech tree and it was planted in 1892. This thing is huge. It covers a four story house directly behind it. Notice how much taller it is versus the wires and poles. Pretty impressive piece of wood.
We ended up at Johnson Creek park. It is a small park but it is beautiful. It is the confluence of Johnson Creek and Crystal Springs Creek. There were tons of ducks and even more baby ducks. I tried to get a picture of the tiny little cuties but they were too small and too fast (they are sooooo CUTE).
We walked (according to the book) about 3.75 miles and I have to say I enjoyed myself very much!

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