Sunday, October 29, 2006

Excuses, Excuses

I have been on hiatus for a week or two. Not that I haven't thought about blogging every single day and the cow keeps putting pressure on me saying, "haven't seen a new post in a while." I came up with a list of excuses why I haven't been bloggin' on a regular basis.
Here goes:

1. My camera took a nose dive. The lcd screen on my pocket size camera busted. Luckily, it was under warranty but I had to mail it to Illinois for repairs. Hopefully I will have it back by next week.
2. The cow and I have been super busy doing nothing. Last weekend went by so fast that the cow had to go in late on Monday because he was so tired from the weekend. We had a neighbor over for drinks on Friday night (very nice and engaging). Then on Saturday a co-worker from school and his wife came over for dinner. They moved to Oregon from South Dakota and let's just say that they did not appreciate the homemade hummus, pear salad and seared scallop atop risotto that was served.
3. The two of us took Thursday off to paint our bathrooms. We have had the paint for over two months. It was a constant thorn in my mind. We worked from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Don't ask why because painting a bathroom is tedious. You have to take everything out of the shower, the cow had to dismantle toilets not to mention putting them back together. On a side note- he broke the tank on mine during reassembly. I can't tell you how but we found another tank lying around the house to be able to fix the problem by 9:00pm.
The colors are great - think Tiffany blue for my bathroom and Mustard for the cow's.
4. I feel like every weekend I am planning for the following week of school. I just spent a good two hours of my morning trying to figure out what those little buggers will be doing all week so they are not bugging ME!

I have just been too drunk to log-on and tell you about the craziness.

Stay tuned for the funny things I've witnessed in the last week. Trailer= commuter flipping off a cop on the side of the road.

el serrach - kitchen color

This is for el s!

He asked if I could find the color of his kitchen in nature. I believe somewhere in this leaf is the beautiful green in your kitchen. Enjoy!

Nature is wonderful.

Fancy Red Shoes

The cow got a new pair of shoes. Bright RED Puma leather. He is so stylish!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Colors of PDX

Beautiful Saturday morning in Sellwood. The cow and I took a three-mile walk around the neighborhood and found inspiring colors within nature. The trees are brilliant right now. It makes me wonder why Americans don't copy nature in their housing colors. Many people love the color of the leaves but they would never paint their kitchen majenta.
Vivid reds, yellows, greens, blues - the color of nature.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Guest Commentary

Saturday evening at the EvanSmith household is yummy pizza goodness lately. This week we hit the farmers market near PSU and came home with fresh arugula (to make arugula pesto), beautiful mushrooms and lovely yellow tomatoes.
The evening was extremely relaxing. We were in absolutely no hurry - I was doing a bit of work for school and the cow was dancing around the kitchen to his favorite music of the moment.
As you can see from the pictures he spent some time in the kitchen preparing my feast. He starts the dough early in the day so it has time to rise. He then works on the toppings and rolls out the dough just before production time. this week we ended up with a Shitaki mushroom, carmelized onion and lovely cheese ensemble, as well as, a yellow tomato, fresh mozzarella and anchovy pizza. The argula pesto was for spreading on either but it was the best with the mushrooms.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Siam Society

Dinner on Friday night led the cow and I to NE Alberta. We have been wanting to try Siam Society since they opened last summer. Friday was the perfect evening because Adam Hurst an electro cello guru was playing in the bar.
The owners transformed an old power station into an industrial beauty of a restaurant. I like that they left the concrete walls and steel girders in place and simply added beautiful tables, an eye catching bar, some fabric for noise reduction and great lighting.
We arrived at about 8:30 and the place was packed - but we only had to wait (with a cocktail in hand) for about 10 minutes. The cow ordered a jalepeno/pear combo and when it arrived a woman waiting next to us asked him how it was. He offered her a drink and she gladly took the glass and had a sample. She didn't seem to impressed and said thanks and walked away.
The food was very good. We had the tranquil salad rolls for a starter and then shared the succulent tiger prawns and panang curry.
We enjoyed the music, food and drinks. It was a lovely way to end a busy week.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Saturday night equalled improv pizza night. The cow and I spent the day doing chores around the house. He cleaned the garage while I cleaned the house. We went grocery shopping, picked up laundry and went down to the wine store to drink with the French guys.
That evening the cow made his beautiful pizza. It was great - because while he was creating the toppings he would say, "Oh crap, I forgot pine nuts for the pesto." Then he would mutter, "oh well, I will use walnuts." He created two IMPROV masterpieces. The first was a fresh basil (I grew the basil on the back porch - GoS you would be impressed with my plant) and walnut pesto, delicious! The second was a pear - blue cheese sinfully good pie. The pear took the show on this one. It was soooooo good. We sat around and drank our last bottle of Dillian from Amador county. Man that is good wine. If any of you are near the Amador area east of Sacramento stop by and see those guys. In fact buy us a case of whatever they are selling.