Sunday, October 29, 2006

Excuses, Excuses

I have been on hiatus for a week or two. Not that I haven't thought about blogging every single day and the cow keeps putting pressure on me saying, "haven't seen a new post in a while." I came up with a list of excuses why I haven't been bloggin' on a regular basis.
Here goes:

1. My camera took a nose dive. The lcd screen on my pocket size camera busted. Luckily, it was under warranty but I had to mail it to Illinois for repairs. Hopefully I will have it back by next week.
2. The cow and I have been super busy doing nothing. Last weekend went by so fast that the cow had to go in late on Monday because he was so tired from the weekend. We had a neighbor over for drinks on Friday night (very nice and engaging). Then on Saturday a co-worker from school and his wife came over for dinner. They moved to Oregon from South Dakota and let's just say that they did not appreciate the homemade hummus, pear salad and seared scallop atop risotto that was served.
3. The two of us took Thursday off to paint our bathrooms. We have had the paint for over two months. It was a constant thorn in my mind. We worked from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Don't ask why because painting a bathroom is tedious. You have to take everything out of the shower, the cow had to dismantle toilets not to mention putting them back together. On a side note- he broke the tank on mine during reassembly. I can't tell you how but we found another tank lying around the house to be able to fix the problem by 9:00pm.
The colors are great - think Tiffany blue for my bathroom and Mustard for the cow's.
4. I feel like every weekend I am planning for the following week of school. I just spent a good two hours of my morning trying to figure out what those little buggers will be doing all week so they are not bugging ME!

I have just been too drunk to log-on and tell you about the craziness.

Stay tuned for the funny things I've witnessed in the last week. Trailer= commuter flipping off a cop on the side of the road.

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