Thursday, January 18, 2007

Why am I the only one who is appalled?

Following is an e-mail that was sent out to the entire Beaverton school district in which I am employeed. I am apprehensive to post this SELF-PROMOTING, DEGRADING TO WOMEN CRAP but I wanted to point out that the administration and the staff at the high school in which this person works believes that it is fine for her to promote her life long dream of becoming an "all-star" dancer to students, staff and anyone who will vote.
(Everyday this person sends an e-mail to "ALL STAFF" to remind you to vote for her)

"Aloha BSD employees,
My name is Marlene and I'm a Health/PE teacher at X HighSchool. On my free time I coach the dance team here and I also dance forthe Blazers. I've been a Blazer Dancer for 10 wonderful years and havehad the privilege of dancing with other Beaverton School district employee's.
A wonderful opportunity has come up in my last year as a Blazer Dancer. I was nominated to be a part of the 1st ever All Star Dance Team for the NBA-All Star Game. I am 1 of 3 dancers nominated. The person with the most votes will get to attend and perform at the All Star Game February16th-18th. Here is how YOU can help me!! Go to the following website and vote everyday until January 19th for Marlene. You can vote from home and from school on every browser (safari, firefox and mozilla) as staff and then as student making you vote 6 times from each computer. Your votes will be greatly appreciated.
If chosen I will represent all TEACHERS,especially teachers of the Beaverton school district!! Thank you andVOTE!!VOTE:

Thank you!!!
Health/PE Teacher
Warrior Crew Advisor
Analani Dance Team Coach
"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes animpression" Haim Ginott"


Unknown said...

You know, this is kind of funny. I don"t know if you knew kirk mc morris, but his school site links to some christian blog that he has where he calls homosexuality immoral and all that kind of stuff and he has it linked to a site that students must access to get their homework. i would rather deal with the self promotion, but as you know i am all about self promotion. hey look at me.

El Serracho! said...

i voted for melissa. she has the most vacant look about her, i figure that's what sports fans want.

sinisterhaley said...

Hey todd,
Maybe you should get the Gay/Straight alliance on that issue. I can help you tip them off.

El Serracho! said...

i think the gay/straight alliance should have police-like authority. they lock that guys up in gitmo or something.