Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Cow and his gift!

I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but the cow is great at selecting gifts. This year my birthday fell during vacation. I have to admit, the vacation was plenty; however, the cow created this great map and description of the various gift certificates that he had waiting for me at home. He packed up the map/note in a nice envelope and gave it to me at dinner on my big day. It is like the gift that keeps on giving. I just made my appointment for my "Sweet Feet" treatment and in a few days will head over to the NW to do some shopping at Lucy (sportswear) and Anthropologie (girly clothes) with a cup of coffe at Peet's in between. Lastly, he has a surprise dinner location for yet another evening of enjoying my birthday and my best-friend. Thanks Mr.Cow.

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