Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Downhill is fun!

"Let's go for a little bike ride"! Deciding to be outside on a beautiful day was a no-brainer. The cow said we would do a short 20 mile loop, come home and enjoy the remainder of Labor Day. If you have a map handy get it out, I am going to give you a synopsis of our route - I am not in the best shape and I do believe the cow was trying to kill me (I reminded him I do not have life insurance coverage). Here we go: start south on 9th, cross broadway bridge, take interstate south to katz promenade, emerge on Hawthorne blvd, take bike route through Ladd's addition, head east on harrison/lincoln to mt. tabor, this is our first summit and rest! It is beautiful at the top. Great views and wonderful weather, I was so sweaty that I was actually a bit chilly. Once I had caught my breath, the cow said do you want to go on because there is another summit we will be traversing. I, of course, did not want to be the girl that couldn't keep up so I said "let's do it." Down hill is a blast but I am still paranoid when the wind sheer feels like my bike is going to come out from underneath me.
Next series: we take Yamhill east to north 74th (hey that rhymes) and cross freeway 84, east on Tillamook (mmmm cheese), north on 92nd and then the climb up Rocky Butte Road (no bike lane but very few cars). When we got to the top there was an old fort with very little information regarding its origins. This area offered great views to the east - Mt Hood and the beginning of the Gorge. Didn't need as much rest here because I knew there was a beer waiting for me somewhere! Yahoo! Downhill! Can you see me flying down the hill with my hair blowing behind me with a big smile on my face!
The last leg was a series of left and rights or wests and souths. We take Fremont west to 83rd south to Siskiyou west and 72nd south - during this back-n-forth the cow would read me the coordinates and I would then remind him where to turn (a couple of times he had to check to see if I was correct). Next we took Sacramento west to 60th south (very cool area here - sits on a hill and looks over a golf course - very quiet - no cars), Hancock west to 43 North to Tillamook west to 28th south to Tillamook west again(I know this doesn't make sense but believe me it is true). This is where we veered from the "rubber to the road" map we were using. We headed north on Flint and took a sharp left (west) on Fremont and ended up on Mississippi with a Tecate and Vege Taco at Por que no?! Now that was worth both of the climbs!

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