Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I have been very quiet about my job prospects because there really hasn't been any! I have realized that the teaching market is extremely tight in Portland. Here is why. In the Portland Public School system there are declining enrollments - meaning people are not enrolling new students into elementary schools; therefore, the middle school and high schools are and will be losing students also. The answer from the district is to close schools. When schools close teachers are out of work. The Portland Public School teachers that have lost their jobs in the last couple of years have filtered out to other districts; such as Beaverton, Hillsboro, Gresham, Lake Oswego, etc. For a new Oregonian, this makes finding a job very hard.

I was not daunted and sent my application to Portland Public even though I knew all of the issues within the district. I received an e-mail last week asking if I would be interested in applying for a position with Cleveland High School described below:
Position: Pathway Development Teacher (TSPC teaching certificate)
1. Assist in development and delivery of career related curriculumteaching units in grades 9-10
2. Work in collaboration with other teachers in integrating contentand lessons into regular curriculum
3. Work with counselors and other staff in developing and maintenanceof Education Plan and Profile requirements
4. Assist students in Education Plan and Profile experience
5. Introduce and assist students in meeting career related learningexperiences
6. Assist in coordination of business/community opportunities forstudents and staff
7. Represent school in meetings with Office of Secondary Education indeveloping and delivering career pathway graduation requirements.
8. Assist in data collection and maintenance of student proficiency inmeeting district standards

1. Ability and evidence of exceptional interpersonal skills andrelationships with high school students.
2. Vision of school improvement that empowers student ownership andresponsibility for their own learning
3. Ability to communicate effectively with students and staffconsistently and respectfully
4. Strong emphasis on applied academic instructional delivery
5. Evidence of "continuous improvement" and "life long learning."

I, of course, jumped on the opportunity. An interview was scheduled yesterday with the Prinicipal and when I arrived I realized it was not only the Principal interviewing me but FIVE others. There were three teachers, a counselor, and a Vice principal. I was glad I did not know it was a panel interview before I went because I would have been even more nervous (it is amazing what adrenaline can do to your thought process - no matter how confident you are you still sweat and heart pounds).
I left Cleveland feeling like I did a pretty good job, but for the life of me could not remember anything that was asked. I got a phone call in the afternoon asking me to take the position. The Principal said I would be expecting a call from the Portland Public School - Human Resources department giving me more information (they will tell me how much money I will get).
I am very excited that somebody actually wants to hire me (I feel like Sally Fields).
Oh - I forgot to say - Cleveland HS is only 1 mile from HoY! I can walk, ride my bike or take the bus to school!

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

holy shit.

that is aweseome! drinks on you!!!!!

ps now you can start wondering what happened to that free time you had. ;-)