Wednesday, November 30, 2005

One Nation Under Bumper Sticker

Bumper Stickers have a strange role in society. They espouse to all that can see and read the opinions, political views, sports affiliations, hobbies, and social practices of the owner.
After researching, I found that the bumper sticker was first invented after 1927 (when Ford decided to put a bumper on the Model T and call it a Model A-still only in black). The bumper sticker was first made of metal, like a license plate and affixed with a wire. After WWII- technology not only changed the world it changed our bumpers also. An adhesive was invented for military purposes but also put to home use. The bumper sticker transformed into a vinyl strip that can be applied directly to the bumper.
I wonder if a bumper sticker can decrease the value of the vehicle. What happens when a bumper infested car is trying to be sold. Let's say an agnostic meets a believer during the test drive. The agnostic approaches and reads "WWJD" and says to the owner "You could have sold this car had the bumper sticker said, 'Militant Agnostic-Idon't know and neither do you.'
I truly believe that bumper stickers can instantly tell me if I would like the person driving the car. For instance, I have seen and wanted to talk to the people with the bumper sticker that reads....."A PBS mind in a FOX news world!"

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Stainless or Barrels

To many of us to drink a glass of wine is sheer pleasure. Countless articles and books have been written on pairing food and wine (red with red foods, white with light foods). The experience of wine tasting is also about visiting wineries. As many of you know the cow and I believe wine tasting is a form of entertainment. On a beautiful or dreary day you can drive through lush landscapes and enjoy the bounty of any state. I have photographed many grapevines and tasting rooms in my day but recently found myself lamenting what happens to the grapes after they are plucked from the vine.

The question then becomes stainless or barrels, technology or tradition, objective or subjective, control variables or creative energy. As you can see from the pictures stainless is prevailing when it comes to producing wines. The stainless vats are used for multiple tasks where some would argue that the solo use of the barrel is to AGE a wine.

I am a fan of every varietial of wine: nebbiolo, mourvedre, sangiovese, zinfindel, chardonnay, voignier, pinot gris, barbera, marsanne, cabernet franc, soave, semillion, chianti, rose, primitivo, prosecco,etc. From now on when buying and drinking a wine I will be more diligent in my investigation of the methods used in creating such a pleasurable event.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Big Trucks!

As I mentioned before, I am going to try to focus my blogging. This feature is "Big Trucks." I do not understand the thought process behind the Big Truck Purchase. I picture them sitting at home with a check list that reads:
1) My Big Truck must guzzle gasoline.
2) My Big Truck must scare people when I tailgate.
3) My Big Truck must be shiny - I would never think of using my Big Truck for WORK or Off-road fun.
4) My Big Truck must be HIGH off the ground.

I know that the first picture is dark but this behemoth was parked on a VERY busy street and it has the chassis of a MAC truck. Who drives this thing? The second picture just caught my eye because of the "POWER" Plate. You can't have POWER if you are driving a Hybrid?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


NEON SIGNS! They are ubiquitos and everywhere. How many people really notice them and study their intricate details?
The first pic is for "Gina's" it was in a non-descript window in the NW area of Portland. I did not notice what type of business it was but I happened to like the sign.
The second pic is above a grundgy bar on Hawthorne. The sign rather reminds me of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. I find that odd because I have only been to Vegas once and we stayed at the Stratosphere.
The third pic is my favorite. If I had video on my camera you would be able to see that the colors scroll. If you look closely you can see that it says Mt. Tabor within the color scroll. I am assuming at some point this was a live theater and then a movie theater but now the cow tells me it is where the "punk" bands play.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Wine anyone?

The weekend led us back to the Oregon Wine Country. ElS and GoS were in town and we all piled in the wagon to cruise through the Willamette Valley. It was a crisp beautiful day (els/gos kept saying "it's cold") and you can tell by the pictures how blue the sky can be.
We actually sat outside and enjoyed the wine and the day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A Tribute to "The Cow"

The cow is always there for me when I need a ballon held.
The cow is there with me when I want to walk in the street.
The cow is there to laugh at all of my silly jokes.
The cow looks at me with his big brown eyes and I ask myself - "Wow, how did I catch such a great cow?"

Saturday, November 12, 2005


The arrow points to a bar. Notice there is absolutely NO signage! Just the arrow. I would have taken a picture of the inside but the damn place was closed.
The poetry garden is about 3 blocks from HoY. It is a writing studio and the person places poetry in the garden on wooden stakes. I took a picture of the "rose petal" poem because it was lovely and after reading it I could feel rose petals falling against my face. It made me smile.
The cow then stumbled upon Mt.Tabor Wine Store. They do wine flights every friday night. We had already had a couple of cocktails so we opted for a 2-ounce pour of some French Red, quite yummy and lots of people to look at with crazy labels hanging in the the toilet. When we left we decided that Sushi sounded good and got bloto at Mio Sushi on Hawthorne. Today we were shopping for more house stuff and I took the cow to a Target with an escalator for the shopping cart. He was quite impressed and suggested that I take a photo. The last pic is for elS. These are the bike racks in front of Powell on Burnside. Each one of the racks has a quote from a book about a bike or biking.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Work-Four letter word

Most of you have been doggin me about my lack of posting lately and I just want to tell you that WORK is getting in the way of my fun. I have been enjoying my walks to and from work but some of the tasks that have been handed to me are not working with my personality. For example, I am not a number cruncher. I do not find it interesting to sit in front of a computer looking at data and trying to decipher what all the acronyms in the tiny little columns stand for. Unfortunately, that is precisely what I have been asked to do the last two days. I am analyzing the 9th grade Reading Lexiles for the bottom quartile of students at Cleveland High School and then I am to create and implement a plan to increase test scores for the lower quartile students. By the way, those of you who are looking at these words trying to see the meaning - don't bother -the only people that care about the lexile of the lower quartile are those that get funding from our Great President who came up with the "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND" Policy. By the way - at any school you will hear it referred to as the NCLB because educators do not like to hear those words uttered in the hallways.
No pictures because that would mean someone would have to be in the room with me to take a picture of me analyzing data- this is a lonely job.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Angry Fairy

When the world is getting you down just remember there is a fairy out there waiting to grant your every awful wish. AKA - Angry Fairy for hire!


Voila! It is like magic. First the T.V. is hidden behind the fireplace and then when we want to watch WestWing it flies out from the side like magic. Then T.V. watching is over - it disappears back in its proper place.
I think the best part about this set up is the window allows light to stream in again. Prior the large armoire was blocking the rays of the sun.
Those of you who are saying, "man, that is a small T.V. " You are absolutely right, but sometimes smaller is better.