Saturday, November 12, 2005


The arrow points to a bar. Notice there is absolutely NO signage! Just the arrow. I would have taken a picture of the inside but the damn place was closed.
The poetry garden is about 3 blocks from HoY. It is a writing studio and the person places poetry in the garden on wooden stakes. I took a picture of the "rose petal" poem because it was lovely and after reading it I could feel rose petals falling against my face. It made me smile.
The cow then stumbled upon Mt.Tabor Wine Store. They do wine flights every friday night. We had already had a couple of cocktails so we opted for a 2-ounce pour of some French Red, quite yummy and lots of people to look at with crazy labels hanging in the the toilet. When we left we decided that Sushi sounded good and got bloto at Mio Sushi on Hawthorne. Today we were shopping for more house stuff and I took the cow to a Target with an escalator for the shopping cart. He was quite impressed and suggested that I take a photo. The last pic is for elS. These are the bike racks in front of Powell on Burnside. Each one of the racks has a quote from a book about a bike or biking.


El Serracho! said...

mmm lance armstrong: professional cheater.

Mom Under Pressure! said...

You better watch out...your coing to pickle yourselves ..... ha!

El Serracho! said...

coing! boing! doing!