Thursday, November 10, 2005

Work-Four letter word

Most of you have been doggin me about my lack of posting lately and I just want to tell you that WORK is getting in the way of my fun. I have been enjoying my walks to and from work but some of the tasks that have been handed to me are not working with my personality. For example, I am not a number cruncher. I do not find it interesting to sit in front of a computer looking at data and trying to decipher what all the acronyms in the tiny little columns stand for. Unfortunately, that is precisely what I have been asked to do the last two days. I am analyzing the 9th grade Reading Lexiles for the bottom quartile of students at Cleveland High School and then I am to create and implement a plan to increase test scores for the lower quartile students. By the way, those of you who are looking at these words trying to see the meaning - don't bother -the only people that care about the lexile of the lower quartile are those that get funding from our Great President who came up with the "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND" Policy. By the way - at any school you will hear it referred to as the NCLB because educators do not like to hear those words uttered in the hallways.
No pictures because that would mean someone would have to be in the room with me to take a picture of me analyzing data- this is a lonely job.

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