Thursday, April 27, 2006

Grand Central Bowl

Yesterday I liked my job! Yes, I said I LIKED my job. I had the opportunity to take students on a field trip presented by CREW (Commerical Real Estate Women). The group is not all women as you would expect. Every year CREW has a mentoring program in which they choose a property that they know will be built, refurbished or restored in the near future. They invite students from the tri-county area to come in and develop a plan on how to move forward with the property. Yesterday the property was a bowling alley that takes up an entire city block between SE 8th and 9th and Belmont/Morrison.
In the morning session they were given logistics. For example, zoning was discussed on what type of property could go in, they were told about the Tri-met bus lines that ran, they were told that 17,000 employees could walk or catch a bus to the location on a daily basis and that 50,000 cars that pass the area daily. Then an architect spoke about structural, engineering and integrity. He had a really good statement about what he thinks of when starting a project (it came from some Roman or Greek guy) - a building should have....firmness, commodity and delight! The last gentlemen that spoke was the actual property owner. He discussed a bit about financing and use of space. Which none of the students understood to mean - you have to have a return on your investment or the bank will not give you the cash!
We then went on a walking tour of the neighborhood and the interior of the building. Very interesting and informative. They talked about residents, foot traffic, bike lines, other business.
Once we were back inside, the students were broken into groups and assigned an adult facilitator and they got to work. I was very impressed with several groups ideas regarding mixed use space. Some of them failed in that they were creating space only for teeenagers (it is all about them).
I got to mill around the building while the students were working. I know that the property was originally built in 1929 as a Grand Central Market. It was the first enclosed market on the east side and had beautiful skylights and windows all around. The windows were boarded up with a facade of sheet metal in the 50's when the bowling alley went in and some of the interior space was used very poorly. The building has a huge 70 car underground garage which is unheard of in a building of this age.
I talked to the owner for quite sometime and he was very down to earth. He explained that they applied for historical preservation and they would be taking the building back on the exterior to it's 1929 days. It has four turrets on each corner that would be great live/work spaces they are each about 900 square feet. He was a very fun guy to talk to and at the end of the day he gave me an invitation to a pub that he is opening downtown and TWO pairs of bowling shoes - one for me and one for the cow.
I had a good day.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Good food weekend

The mouth watering meals just kept coming over the weekend. On Sunday evening, after riding our bikes to get groceries, going for a very long walk, cleaning the garage and washing the car I was exhausted. I actually thought, I need to go to work so I can relax. The cow knew I was hungry and created another great meal. He made us Peach Martini's with jalapeno peppers popped inside - warm and sweet at the same time. Romesco sause is the best dipping sauce for shrimp and he made a large amount of both - grilling some asparagus to put over linguini with bread crumbs and lemon. A summer side salad and Voile a wonderful meal. I did not take a picture of the carmel-apple cheesecake that we ended the evening with - but it melted in my mouth - a touch of brandy to go with it didn't hurt either. Late in the evening he looked over at me and said, "you're drunk aren't you."

Flowers - els

Els - is this proof enough that the flowers around here are pretty damn huge?

Feral Cow Pizza Night

After a long bike ride on a beautiful day - pizza is on the menu. Not just any pizza but Feral Cow Pizza (FCP). If you have never had feral cow pizza it is absolutely amazing, let me give you some details. Much thought is put into a FCP meal, combonations of color, texture and taste. The meal started with a light salad of white beans, cucumbers, red onions and red peppers on top of a bed of arugala. Prior to eating, I was sitting at the island in the kitchen drinking a nice Pinot gris from the Lange winery - very yummy with a bit of crispness. My mouth was salivating as I watched the cow prepare the arugala pesto (this is one of the finest toppings for a pizza). I was super hungry after a long day but waited patiently as I saw the two pizza's coming out of the oven. The first was a fontina, carmelized onions, white bean and red pepper flake masterpiece. The second was a colorful fresh mozzerella and roma tomato - margarite. It is sheer bliss to be able to watch all of these fresh ingredients combine to become a mouth pleasing event.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Springwater leads to Mt. Hood

Another perfect day! This is the cow's favorite saying. He was absolutely correct today! We hopped on our bikes and hit the Springwater Trail. It was a beautiful, sunny, fabulous, green wonderful smelling day. We stayed on our bikes for a solid 3 1/2 hours and ended our ride with papusa's at the El Salvadoran place down the street. I will admit, it just doesn't get any better than that! Well, maybe it does - the cow is making pizza tonight.

Screening my view

As the cow left for work, I thought I would take a picture of him standing at the corner waiting for the bus. I ended up with the screen blocking my view. He doesn't have to walk very far, as you can see, and he is actually getting to work earlier than he did when we lived at HoY. He gets to sit down on his ride and read a book or the paper. I think that makes him happy!

Friday, April 21, 2006


You must read this....and then try to convince me these people are not FREAKS!

Soft Creamy Polenta

The cow has not skipped a beat when it comes to creating yummy dinners. This week he mixed it up with a NEW salad. As you can see, it has everything a person would want; garbanzos, cucumber, red onions, kalamata olives, feta cheese tossed lightly with an olive oil dressing and resting nicely on red leaf lettuce! The other big winner is SOFT -CREAMY polenta. I am addicted to this stuff. I know he gets sick of me asking for the same meals but when something makes you stop in the middle of a bite and say MMMMMMMM! I will ask for it every week until I get it. This time it was creamy polenta with a saute of kale, mushrooms, red wine and a sprinkle of Parmesan. I love every meal - it makes it hard to go out and find something you really like - but when I do the cow usually goes home and recreates it.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

3-Months Remaining

I turn the big 4-0 in exactly 3 months. The cow and I are going to Oaxaca, Mexico to celebrate the event. I have been thinking of items that I want to accomplish before July 19th!
1. I want to stop thinking about finding a permanent job.
2. I want to lose 10 pounds.
3. I want to have a tan.
4. I want a pedicure - with bright red toes nails.
5. I want a new light weight efficient vacuum cleaner (dyson).

If you are wondering what a 40 year old hip chick from PDX wants for her birthday - it is a vacuum cleaner. That is just sad. I actually just typed that I want a vacuum cleaner for my birthday. It is kind of like receiving a motorcycle chain (inside joke).

OK- you want to know the joke. Sometime during my childhood, my dad - AKA Chris - bought my mom a present for her birthday. Well, if my memory is correct, the present did not fit. So, Chris took the present back, got the money and bought himself a motorcycle chain. He claims that the chain was my mom's birthday present.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


We have new neighbors and I have been strolling around checking out the best places to walk. So far, the neighbors on the other side of the tracks have the best walkways and windows. I am trying to figure out what the area is called but have been unsuccessful. The cow thinks that the railroad tracks puts our neighbors in a different county but I am a bit skeptical. I know that I like what I see so far on my stroll of the area. Nice homes (they leave their curtains open and I can peek inside), massive tulips (the size of your head) and tree lined streets. I wonder what the neighbors think of the new kids on the block (row houses?)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Rain and limbo!

Most people I know have an obsession with the weather. I would probably have classified myself that way up until about 3 months ago. After coming back from vacation in Montreal - I realized that everyone deals with weather differently. It was butt-ass cold there and I thought how do people live here! But growing up in Central California when daytime temperatures would easily hit 110 degrees - I also think "how do people live there?" When the cow and I moved to PDX I was very nervous about the weather. Rain! It always rains in the NW. Every time I talked to people they would say "how are you going to handle the rain?" Well - my answer is - I don't check the weather anymore. I don't watch the weather part of the news, I don't read the weather section in the newspaper and I really don't listen to the radio weather report!
I simply prepare my clothes, shoes, coat and hat as if the day will bring EVERY type of weather. So far, I have done pretty well - most days in Portland, you get a bit of a shower, bursts of sun, deep dark clouds and rain (this is happening right now but I am not kidding you less than 20 minutes ago it was bright sunshine) and beautiful sunsets over the west hills!
I took these pictures while in LIMBO - after school and before making it home for the evening.

Heart and soul

When is a house a home? When you sleep in it the first night? When you can find your clothes, underwear and shoes? When you can take a shower and feel like you are using all the right products?
For me, it is when the pulse of the house is beating and things start to be familiar. For instance, when you go to turn on a light and you actually know which switch does what. It is also when the big red painting is hung. It is the heart of our new home and it makes me feel closer to being settled now that it is on a wall.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

You are a .....

Cone- Tiny cone

The smallest cone growing on a tree/bush that I have ever seen. They are completely invisible when looking over the Willamette off in the distance are the many bridges that span the water. Off to the side the greenery catches your eye and then suddenly you notice this tiny dark spot that catches a breeze and starts to shift and move. As you step closer and zero your pupils in on the tiny brown dot you realize it is a cone - not a pine cone just a bush cone that eventually replinishes the bushes around the river.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bats and Bunnies?

What are you doing this Sunday? Well, here is what the cow is suggesting we spend our Sunday afternoon doing? Any bunny want to participate?