Monday, May 15, 2006

The 70

Today I decided it was time to take the bus to work. I catch the 70! The cow takes the 41!
The busses are ON TIME, if the schedule says it will arrive at your stop at 7:52 you can pretty much set your watch by it.
I found a seat and looked around, lots of people reading and listening to music. I started reading my book but found I was listening to the conversations the bus driver was having with the patrons as they stepped onto the bus.
A little girl (about 6 or 7) got on with her father. She was wearing a great pink skirt made out of tulleing with ruffles almost all the way to the floor. The bus driver said, "Girls in pink skirts don't have to pay today!" The little girl just smiled, found a seat and enjoyed the ride.
After making a couple of sharp turns the bus came to a halt for a guy running to catch it. The young man was tattooed and very polite. He kept trying to put his money in the machine but the machine would not take it. So, the bus driver said, "If the machine don't work - you ride for free." The guy was elated!
I jumped off the bus at Powell and 12th, this is a very busy intersection. I started walking and suddenly found myself on a deadend industrial street. I had to walk about three blocks back and then two blocks north to be able to walk east about 14 blocks. During the walk I remembered the cow saying something like, "get off at the stop after Powell and 12th." Oh well, live and learn. It was all good though, the sun was shining and who cares if I am late to work.

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...


when you gonna update this site?