Tuesday, May 30, 2006

KP's Visit

KP's visit was fast and furious! He arrived on Friday at 2:00pm and left Sunday at 6:00pm (he tried to leave at 4:00pm but his truck wouldn't start, I hope he made it home).
KP and I met the cow afterwork on Friday for a martini, then we went to Apothek for fries, wine and minimalist atmosphere. We walked from the Pearl to NW21st and spent an hour or so at the tiny Mbar staring out the window at the rain- KP did not want to leave because he would get wet. Who comes to Portland and doesn't pack a light rain jacket? It continued to rain, and the cow and I were prepared, so we made KP join us for a stroll. Within a few steps we rain across the "after life" art on the sidewalk. It had a full bridgeport brewing beer inside. Everyone who walked by bent down, read the title, looked closer but did not steal the beer. One guy went home to get his camera and came back as I was leaving.
We past a barber shop, I stopped because KP was due for a cut, the Museum of Modern Materialism warned you NOT to put any money in the machine! KP was trying to stay dry by hiding in a phone recepticle, it really didn't work. We had dinner and watched the cooks decorate a potato.
KP left with a new tent for his travels in Mexico and a new Timbuktu bag - but he did not PURCHASE a light rain jacket.

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