Sunday, May 14, 2006

Work little, play hard

I have said on numerous occasions after a great weekend that "I need to go back to work, so that I can get some rest!" This was just such a weekend. Saturday we loaded up a backpack picnic and headed off to do a little hike. About an hour away is the Silver Falls State Park. We had read that on a single hike of about 8 miles you could see 10 different waterfalls. It was absolutely amazingly astonishingly spectacular. We hiked the Canyon trail first which led you by short, tall, wide and thin falls. The hike followed the creek all the way through the canyon. We started with the North Fall and ended up at the South falls where there is a huge lodge and visitor center with picnic tables. After two hours of hiking we were very hungry, we sat in a field with the stream in front of us and munched our humms/falafel wraps, banana and granola bar - oh yeah...lots of water!
We then needed to get back to the car so we followed the rim trail from the lodge back to the north falls.
About 15 minutes from the park is Silverton. I was a bit astonished that such a small town had parking meters but then found a dime in my pocket and figured it would go towards a good cause. We quickly found a deck overlooking the creek, a glass of wine and some sunshine and discussed the beauty of the day.


El Serracho! said...

will you take me to that deck?

sinisterhaley said...

You betcha!