Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Starbuck's or Starsuck's?

How many of you have purchased an item from Starbuck's in the last 7 days? Come on, place your tally on this blog. It will only take you a minute to create a log-on and let me know.
The cow owns stock in Starbuck's so keep consuming people.
By using the title Starbuck's or Starsuck's I am not trying to insinuate that the product is in anyway BAD. But I am amazed at the quantity of refuse the sidewalks and trash cans accumulate from the this company.
Walking along NW 23rd, I stepped on a small plastic lid to a coffee cup. Obviously, someone wanted to drink their beverage from the cup not that little hole they put in the lid to keep the coffee in the cup and not on you. A few more steps and I saw a ubiquitous green straw on the ground. About a block later I came across this trash can. As you can count, 6 of the 8 items discarded were from Starbuck's. I started to determine the size of the trash can. The garbage ratio concept intrigued me. If the garbage inside the can is equal to that of the ratio on the outside, this would mean that there is a TON of refuse from Starbuck's.
I then started tallying the dollar amount people spend. I will say that I like to drink coffee but very rarely do I head to a coffee house to enjoy a cup either in house or on the go. After doing a rough calculation based on the size of the cups sitting on the garbage can, I deduced that if one person bought all the discarded products atop the garbage can it would cost them approximately $12.90.
So, when I say Starsuck's what I really mean is that purchasing coffee at a coffee shop SUCKS money from your wallet. Try to keep an eye on the price as you pull out your wallet or ATM card to pay for your next fix. If you drink coffee out at least three times per week you are spending approximately 454.00 dollars per year.


sinisterhaley said...

Yikes! Stop the madness.

El Serracho! said...

i had one item in the last 7 days. i probably get 2 or 3 per month... let's say 3. they are about 2.50 i think...36 sheeshh.. too much money.

El Serracho! said...

tis coffee in general.

El Serracho! said...

what part? that i dont buy coffee out much? it's been a while since i have been in that habit. sometimes my boss takes me to the local starbucks and i go with the GOS on the weekend from time to time but pretty much never my idea.

sinisterhaley said...

controvery over how many times we step out for Joe during the day! I just wanted to know what is being spent?

El Serracho! said...

i haven't been in that habit since i've worked here... maybe cus there is nowhere to walk to and i dont drive a car.. just don't really do it anymore.

must have been at some old job when i talked about it