Sunday, November 05, 2006

My favorite night

Pizza and movie nights are my favorite. The cow mentioned during the week that he thought we should have a P&M night. I had actually been looking forward to it all week. I sat with my wine glass in hand and watched and smelled the production of the pizza assembly line. The cow created two masterpieces last night. The first, at my request, a pesto, tomato and fresh mozzerlla. The second, carmelized onions and mushrooms - mouth watering. I sat in the kitchen as he kneaded the dough, sliced onions and made pesto. Once the pies were out of the oven we watched, The Fastest Indian - a movie KP would like due to the fact it is about an old man with a passion for motorcycles and speed.
I think at some point- els and the cow should get together for a pizza contest because I think the cow's pies are the best in the world! Challenge on?

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

nope. challenge not accepted, though i'm happy to make pizza for ya anytime. there's room enough in the world for both of our pizzas.