Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Guest Commentary

Saturday evening at the EvanSmith household is yummy pizza goodness lately. This week we hit the farmers market near PSU and came home with fresh arugula (to make arugula pesto), beautiful mushrooms and lovely yellow tomatoes.
The evening was extremely relaxing. We were in absolutely no hurry - I was doing a bit of work for school and the cow was dancing around the kitchen to his favorite music of the moment.
As you can see from the pictures he spent some time in the kitchen preparing my feast. He starts the dough early in the day so it has time to rise. He then works on the toppings and rolls out the dough just before production time. this week we ended up with a Shitaki mushroom, carmelized onion and lovely cheese ensemble, as well as, a yellow tomato, fresh mozzarella and anchovy pizza. The argula pesto was for spreading on either but it was the best with the mushrooms.


Leo&Ele said...

Hi I saw your pictures of Arrocito (July 9). May I ask you if there was internet access in the vicinity of Arrocito Beach? We are planning a holiday but will need internet.

many thanks

sinisterhaley said...

Hey Barbara,
Don't know how long ago you posted but - arrocito would have internet access but you would have to contact your hotel for further details. Arrocito is only about a mile from Hualtulco - big resorts lots of access.
Hope this helps - if you need more info let me know.