Sunday, July 08, 2007

My Birthday is coming

I decided to celebrate my birthday a wee bit early this year. Instead of July 19th, I am going to celebrate on July 14th. Why you ask has sinisterhaley decided to make her birthday come a few days early? Well, I don't want any of you to miss the opportunity of wishing me well on my 41st birthday and the cow and I will be wallowing on a beach in Costa Rica on my big day and trust me I will have some type of rum drink in my hand celebrating the fact that I can still hold a drink in my hand.
So, anyone who would like to wish me well - can do so on or before the 14th because at midnight I turn into a pumpkin or at least a Tico.


kdactyl said...

Happy Birthday in advance....glad to know you will be on a wonderful vacation for the big day. I got to experience 40 this year and it really has not been much different than 39 so no complaints. I am envious of your cool weather, I'm sure you are not missing Sac when you hear about our 110 degree 4th of July! Ciao...Kd

sinisterhaley said...

Thanks kd!
I hope all is well in grass valley.