Sunday, July 01, 2007


Saturday morning we got the road bikes out and headed towards the OC. No! Not Orange County the "other" O.C. = Oregon City.
The cow mapped out the route a week or so prior when I was in California. Much of the ride is surface streets but there were several spots that snaked along the rivers that were absolutely serene.
I must digress and tell you a bit about my riding personality. The road bikes require that I am clipped into the pedals which makes me a bit paranoid when I am on streets with cars. To make the day even more entertaining, the cow and I were riding along the river (no cars - bike path) near OC and we decided to take a little break. I started to slow down and popped my foot out of my right pedal but apparently felt the need to step down with my left foot (not unclipped from the pedal) and I landed on my left side VERY hard. The only saving grace, I was practically standing still. BOOM!
Let's add that part of the equation to the remainder of the ride. My pride was hurt as well as my ASS. We continued on and made it into Oregon City where we took the elevator to the top of the bluff. Rich guy took the land along the river from the native americans and built himself a big mansion at the top and felt the need for an elevator to get him up there. Suddenly, we are back on surface streets and the cow knows where we are going but I am a bit confused. I follow along to the best of my ability when we come upon Lake Oswego. We are riding in very close quarters to cars and there are those lovely drainage grates on the side of the road every 200 yards or so. I hate these damn things. I always think my tire is going to get caught, I am not going to get my foot out of my pedal in time, I am going to fall over, a car is going to run over me and the cow is going to have to hear me complain for a very long time.
I made it through the city to be told "the big hill is right around the corner." So I geared down for my climbing task and made it through the switchbacks and straightaways. I was happy when I saw the top of the hill but my injury to my ass was killing me. My street riding personality went straight to BITCH. I was done. I wanted to be home, have a shower and get a milkshake. The cow got me home safely but I will venture to say he was DONE with me too.


El Serracho! said...

damn. that's the "fool me once"

you should blog about orange county full time.

sinisterhaley said...

Ouch! It still hurts.