Monday, August 13, 2007

Wildcat Mountain

Took a bit of a hike on Saturday. It was classified as a moderate 6 mile hike with an elevation gain of 1200 feet, but it felt rather easy.
The cow and I got a rather late start Saturday morning due to massive amounts of partying with the neighbors the night before. I really wasn't feeling in the mood to hike but I slapped my shoes on and headed for the woods. It was cool under the canopy and some of the views would have been even better if it were not for fires burning in the area.
There is quite a bit of logging going on here and you can see some of the older, taller trees behind the young saplings. We were on the trail for about two and a half hours and only saw one other group. It was fabulously quiet and lonely at the top.
Once down we drove about 4miles to Estacada to check out Fearless Brewing Company. Enjoyed a couple of beers on the patio before heading home.


El Serracho! said...

yeah, it'd be a nice view without all that nature. yuck. so how was the beer?

sinisterhaley said...

Not bad- I had a creame ale. I like those. The cow wasn't too impressed with the IPA but he drank two of them.

feralcow said...

i tried to order a "scotch" ale since the IPA sort of sucked, but they either taste the same, or I was served another IPA... either way, was the same effect... sucky.