Monday, September 05, 2005

Ass-toria-Seaside-Cannon Beach

First, you pronounce Astoria - with the emphasis on the ASS. It is approximately 75 miles from Portland. The cow and I drove highway 30 following the Columbia to the ocean. It took about an hour and a half after getting gas (YIKES!) and grabbing a cup of coffee. The drive is quite lovely! Highway 30 had very little traffic (even on Labor Day Weekend). Once arriving we parked and walked the town. It has many unique and interesting buildings and everything faces the Columbia. The buildings have survived for centuries; places like City Hall, the Elliot Hotel and the Ole Theater. The mouth of the Columbia is extremely wide spanning to Washington. The people of Asstoria are quite the fancy clothiers (I HATE Pink). After some fish and chips at a place that I would call a cross between Bob's Big Boy and Denny's, we sailed on down Highway 101 to Seaside about 8 miles from Asstoria.
To explain Seaside I need to have you close your eyes and imagine the following: families, Vegas size motels without the glitz, taffy shops (I counted 5 during my short stroll), various foods like you are at a fair and a beautiful expansive beach with a great malacon. Many families were picnicing, jumping the waves and enjoying the warm weather (although there are clouds it was about 76 degrees). If you following the Tsunami signs you will be safely away from the coast and the rising tide as long as government officials give the right information and warnings.
Our last stop before heading home was Cannon Beach. We were told this was the quaintest beach community with proximity from Portland. I would describe it as a cross between old days Capitola, Pismo Beach and Morro Bay - it is definately not Mendocino! It too has a beautiful beach with large rock formations.
We tried our hardest to find a nice patio with a view of the ocean to have a glass of wine to no avail. We did have a glass but without the view.
I would definately go back to Cannon Beach, stay over night and dine at Evo!

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

'the cow'? aren't you afraid you will hurt his feelings?