Friday, September 16, 2005

Dentists: They are not all the same!

Two different worlds- Is it the type of insurance or is it simply quality of care?
In my former life, I found a female dentist (Dr. Wu) after using the services of many dentists that were down right awful - one of them actually had a mustache, chain around his neck and talked about his corvette. Even though it took many awful office visits before I found Shangra-la at Dr. Wu's office I now realize the high level of care she and her staff offered! By the way, I had FULL 100% COVERAGE insurance. When I walked into her office the first time - Shannon introduced herself as the office manager and told me if I ever need anything to call at anytime (the emergency service would contact the person on call). I sat in a waiting room that did not smell like that chemical mixed with floride mixed with pain that usually makes me pass out (my sister got her wisdom teeth pulled many years ago and I was her designated driver - well, I kind of passed out at the smell and she ended up driving me home). In front of me was a huge fish tank with a nice bubbly noise that masked the sounds of drills and suction.
When my name was called I received a tour of the office. The nice person pointed out all of their equipment and how it is used, each hygenist had a designated work area and to my surprise as I walked to the rear of the office to settle into those great dentist chairs (inventors- I am always in awe of dentist chairs and barber chairs, they are so functional and fun), there was a huge window that looked out on tropical plants. This amazed me because I should have been looking at a parking lot.
When Dr. Wu came in she asked if I was cold, if yes, they have blankets. She gave me a walkman so I could listen to NPR instead of the drilling. She gave me sunglasses to protect my eyes from splash and the light. But the greatest item used at Dr. Wu's office was a mouth block, this item is similar to a hard sponge that is about an inch square. It is used by the dentist to prop your mouth open so you do not have to hold it open for the long work ahead. I loved the mouth propper opener because I am lazy and I had on ear phones, I had a blanket and sunglasses. I didn't have to think about anything. The next thing you know. The World had just finished on the radio and Dr. Wu was telling me I was done. I wasn't ready to leave, I was just getting ready for All things considered and possibly a nap.
Fast-forword to my new life. I now have Kaiser Dental Insurance. When trying to make an appointment for a teeth cleaning, I was told that I cannot get my teeth cleaned until one of the Kaiser dentists has seen me first. So, I made an appointment to meet my new Kaiser dentist. I arrived at my appointment right on time. Walked into the double doors and found a sign that said, "wait in line for next available person." There were three women sitting behind a counter and NO ONE in line. You wouldn't believe what happened, I actually had to wait. I know it wasn't that long but not one of them made I contact with me. I had to do the evil stare down before one of them finally figured out I wasn't going away and called me over. After check in and paying my $10.00 co-pay, I was told to take a seat. When I turned around it looked like a hospital waiting room. The designer of the office decided that Turquoise was the color of choice. You know, the turquoise of the Southwest. Such a great calming color. The designer also decided that plastic was the material of choice. The chairs were the plastic chairs you would find in a Senior Living dining room, the type that can be wiped down with ammonia and sanitized beyond belief.
When my name was called I followed a young lady in hospital scrubs to the X-ray room. I had to wait in line to get my teeth/mouth x-rayed. I then was told to wait in another line because they had a NEW x-ray machine that circled around my head and took a picture of my entire mouth. If this machine takes a picture of your entire mouth why in the hell do I have to still take all those x-rays that the "professionals" call "bite-wings"?
I then was placed in yet another que to get my blood pressure taken. There were four people in front of me. So I sat down at the small school desk provided and began reading my book. After about 5 minutes I decided I was very cold and wished I had a blanket. The blood pressure taker was very backed up and made mention several times that someone called in sick today. I don't care! Put that damn velcro thinging on my arm and push the damn button. I want out of this assembly line dental office. As I sat reading (thank god I remembered my book - ALWAYS and I repeat ALWAYS take a book with you), I noticed the floor was UGLY. It was those big grayish/white tiles that are in every elementary school built in the 1950's and beyond. Once again, I am sure they were chosen by the designer for maximum beauty and functionality.
After finishing a few chapters someone in scrubs said, "which one of you are 'sinisterhaley'? I didn't say a word. I simply rose from my desk, walked toward her and gave her the most evil eye I could muster. I followed her down to the famous chair. It had no view, it had no picture on the ceiling, and I had to ask her to turn on a light so I could actually see my book while I waited.
In comes the dentist. I have to call her "the dentist" because she did not introduce herself. She DID look me in the eye though. It scared me how she looked at me. She did not blink. I tried to hold my eyes open and stare back but I had to blink. And I thought, well maybe she blinked at the same time I blinked. What is the likelihood? I should also mention that she was young, in fact, I truly believe she had not graduated from Dentist School. I loved her first question. "Why are you here today"? I paused ( a very long time because when she said that I was pissed). I said because "they" told me I had to be. She said, "who are 'they'"? I finally decided not to play the game and said, "all I need is to be able to get my teeth cleaned so whatever you need to do to get me that appointment let's get to it." She then realized I meant business.
An hour and a half later I left my plastic, turquoise, tile trotten, scrub wearing, newbie dentist office with an appointment to return for my teeth cleaning. I CAN'T WAIT!
Needless to say- Not all Dentists or Insurance coverage ARE created equal.


sinisterhaley said...

Once in awhile can't I just have a good rant instead of frickin' pictures. No one reads this huh? They just look at the pictures!

El Serracho! said...

let's have that scrub wearing pissant killed.

now where are the pics?

sinisterhaley said...

I would have to line the pissants up - there were so many of them! It was like a mound of ants running around; however, ants actually get something done!