Monday, September 12, 2005

I have been busy. But there is always time for fun! Where to start. Friday night the cow and I headed down to the Newmark theater near the South Park blocks to take in DJ Spooky's - Rebirth of a Nation. The theater is awesome. It is a true Shakespearean theater (three tiers). Overall the show, music, and audience were awesome. DJ Spooky's goal was to make your mind ask questions regarding history - instead of him answering them for you.
The cow delivered this beautiful bouquet of flowers that are still brightening my days. We decided since our house on Yamhill closes this week and we become home debtors again that we should get out there and start thinking of paint colors, furniture, flooring, etc. We decided to start at Albina Press (the best coffee shop in Portland). We needed a pick-me-up for all the browsing we were about to endure. Neither of us are shoppers so it was very difficult to think that we would be shopping all day. So, instead of shopping - we took a detour and headed to our hood. We sat and had a beer and tatertots at the Side Street Bar - beer good but tots not so much! Listened to a young local band they were very, very good. Mr. Banana came to save the day and redirected us to our goals of the day making us flash back to what we were suppose to be doing.
Once all of the chores were out of the way we found another street fair. This one was in the Pearl so we walked down to the Bones and Brew festival. Of course they had bbq but the reason the cow walked all the way down was to try the spirits. There were many local - new distillers offering samples for $1.00.


sinisterhaley said...

NO-I don't know this clown - How do I get rid of these bozos?

El Serracho! said...

for starters, i would go to his site and tell him off.

does blogger have a antispam tool?

PDXFoodDude said...

Thanks for linking to my site.. I appreciate it. Nice photos by the way.!