Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bold & Blue

I was asked recently - What is fall like in PDX? Well - these pictures should tell some of the story. Unfortunately, on Yahoo Weather people from around the world get the idea that it ONLY rains in Portland. These pictures were taken when the weather forecast said "chance of rain." I think all weather people should be deducted pay everytime they are wrong. And they are wrong a lot in PDX. The first picture, I was sitting outside with the cat (obviously with a glass of wine) when I looked up to grab the glass I saw all of the fall colors in the background. It was picturesque! The next picture I was strolling to my newly discovered area NE 28th (this where Noble Rot and Second Thoughts are) and saw these trees trying to reach the sun shine. See it is not just humans that like the sun!

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

just lovely. sunnier than the oc.