Monday, October 03, 2005

HoY as Home! Soon!

You could say the HoY is starting to be home! The cow and I have spent many of hours there trying to make our move this weekend (OCT 8th) a bit more smooth. As you can see from the pictures the flooring in the two bedrooms was finally completed. The Orange room went from dark blue/brown shaggy carpet to light bamboo that we love very much. The bamboo helped turn a dark room into a bright spot in the house. The other bedroom went from a dark brown shag to a light, soft berber. Again I can't explain how much lighter and brigher the room became.
The new mattress and bed were set up by the cow in record time and he was quite handy with cutting and hanging the doors in the bedroom (Once the bamboo went in it raised the floor level so the doors need to be shaved a bit to fit and close). He also got the washer and dryer ready in the basement so laundry will be a snap once we are there. We are transferring the same phone number but it may not work until Sunday so do not fret if you call and there is no response....keep trying - we will be available soon.

1 comment:

Mom Under Pressure! said...

Welcome home sis!