Monday, October 24, 2005

Wonderful Way to Spend a Day!

I know it has been awhile since you've had a good fix of PDX antics so here is your daily dose. The cow returned from a business class in Tempe early last Saturday morning, so we decided to leave the house a mess a wonder to a few wineries about 1/2 an hour from Portland.
The first was called David Hill and to find this winery you have to be a bit persistent. It is nestled against a hill (like the name says) and it is on a gravel road that is a bit further than what you would expect (see 1st picture). But once you arrive it is beautiful. You have grapevines and cedar trees and the smells are clean and crisp. The house was built around 1893 and has been restored to preserve the exterior but create a modern interior to serve as the tasting room.
We then ventured on to Tualatin Vineyards - they have an awesome Chardonnay and then to Shaffer Vineyards - they have a ton of different wines and a Christmas store at their winery (do I need to say more?).
We headed home and parked the car and decided to have a snack. What better idea than to carry on the wine buzz than to go to a wine bar and have some cheese! We wanted to try a new place about a 5 minute walk from us so we headed north to Navarre. Low and behold it did not open till 6:00 and it was only 5:00. We walked back south a few blocks to Noble Rot - we have been there but it is worth repeating....over, and over, and over! We wore out our stay and headed back home for an evening with a movie and some burritos from Laughing Planet.
All in all a great way to spend a day!


El Serracho! said...

pics remind me of a really nice postcard we got recently.

willbe there soon! again.

check out this site:

for the comments thing i told you about.

sinisterhaley said...

Trying to get rid of the crazy advertisers with nothing better to do than bury my blog with crap comments!