Monday, October 31, 2005

If you have been wondering where SH has been lately - Well, this is it. Grover Cleveland High School just celebrated 90 years in service. It is amazing how well the school has stood the test of time. As you walk into the school there is another staircase. It is 4 stories but only looks like 2. Sometime during the 50's an east wing was attached and does not have the same enduring design element as the original building. The room where I am housed is part of the new wing but as you can see still needs a bit of work to bring it into the 21st Century. For a Californian, the enclosed hall ways are a bit strange. Everything echo's! Doesn't make for a quiet learning environment.


sinisterhaley said...

Oh my gosh! Funny you say that! It has the coolest theater/auditorium. Just like the one at WHS with the big curtains and the steps on the side of the stage. It is way cool.

El Serracho! said...

you work in the compooter lab?