Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Voila! It is like magic. First the T.V. is hidden behind the fireplace and then when we want to watch WestWing it flies out from the side like magic. Then T.V. watching is over - it disappears back in its proper place.
I think the best part about this set up is the window allows light to stream in again. Prior the large armoire was blocking the rays of the sun.
Those of you who are saying, "man, that is a small T.V. " You are absolutely right, but sometimes smaller is better.


El Serracho! said...

good stuff. the GOS has been wanting to do something like that for a while now, but the el serracho won't let her spend money on a television.

this is noteworthy because this is the first time in history that the el serracho has been successful in defeating an house spending bill.

sinisterhaley said...

I am sure the house spending bill will be brought to the floor again and the GOS will eventually get it passed