Tuesday, November 22, 2005


NEON SIGNS! They are ubiquitos and everywhere. How many people really notice them and study their intricate details?
The first pic is for "Gina's" it was in a non-descript window in the NW area of Portland. I did not notice what type of business it was but I happened to like the sign.
The second pic is above a grundgy bar on Hawthorne. The sign rather reminds me of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. I find that odd because I have only been to Vegas once and we stayed at the Stratosphere.
The third pic is my favorite. If I had video on my camera you would be able to see that the colors scroll. If you look closely you can see that it says Mt. Tabor within the color scroll. I am assuming at some point this was a live theater and then a movie theater but now the cow tells me it is where the "punk" bands play.


El Serracho! said...

i like signs

sinisterhaley said...

me like chocolate!

El Serracho! said...

i broke my wookie