Tuesday, March 21, 2006

10.6 mile walk

Saturday afternoon the cow and I walked to Caldera. It is restaurant bar at the base of Mt. Tabor - get it, Caldera. Before we ventured off we checked their opening time. Ah! 4:00pm perfect. We took off up the hill and made it to our desintation in about a half an hour. Behold- the place doesn't open till 5:00pm. We stroll around the neighborhood and arrive back to relax on the porch when the owner/bartender walks up and invites us in off the porch. Nice place, good drinks and lovely bar.
We walked home after a couple of drinks and decided we would do a couple of chores before we walked to the Farm Cafe for dinner. I don't know if it was the drinks we had prior or the brisk night air but I became very melancholy and quiet. The cow thought something was wrong but I was just lost in my thoughts (although at this time I can't remember what they were).
We arrived to a darling house just off of Burnside packed with hungry people. We only had to wait a short while and we got the best table in the house. The cow ordered tempeh and I had the seared/grilled tofu with garlic mashed potatoes (southern cooking with tofu who would have thought). We shared a bottle of Pinot Gris and a marscapone cheesecake. Once finished we strolled home by the light of the silvery moon.
The next day I was a bit tired but we didn't slow down. We got on our bikes to check out the construction on our new place.
On Monday, the cow e-mailed that we had walked 10.6 miles to and from drinks and dinner. No wonder that southern cookin' tasted so good.

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