Monday, March 06, 2006

Waste Not Art

SCRAP and DISJECTA? The cow invited me to a benefit called the "Waste Not" Art Auction. Here is the skinny.
SCRAP is the School and Community Reuse Action Project which promotes creative REUSE and enviornmentally sustainable behavior by providing programs and materials to the community. Here is what I call SCRAP - they promote reuse of discarded property (literally the idea of one man's trash is another man's treasure). On this evening - artists created various items out of JUNK!
DISJECTA is an outlet for artists of all disciplines, they offer emerging artists a place to work and are located on the inner east side. They basically help artist make stuff out of whatever medium the artist wants.
The auction was held in the TAZO tea warehouse. It smelled like spice-heaven all night! Tazo was also promoting their products and every time I turned around I grabbed a few more tea bag.
We arrived a bit late - and at this auction late was not good. Literally all of the good stuff was gone. We did get a couple of glasses of wine for our donation and we watched the crazy bidders bid on the prize winning pieces. Actually, a few well known local artist donated work to promote the cause. The BLAH, BLAH, BLAH print had interest to us but the starting bid was 500.00 (and I had told the cow that was my max). When the auction started for that piece the ARTIST himself made the first bid. That is just weak and rude!
Had a great time, I would go again next year and make it a bit earlier to get a good piece of junk!

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