Monday, March 20, 2006

Wondering what happen to SH?

If you have been contemplating what has come of sinisterhaley well let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a crazy notion called work. Notice it has four letters. In the lives of most adults, work consumes a very large majority of each day. As the individual racks up hours, upon hours, upon hours, they receive pay - which in a perfect world the number of hours worked and the pay received would be equal to what the person believes they are worth. This is NEVER the case.
Here is my story. The last two weeks has been consumed with Portland's Rose Festival Ambassador nominations from each high school. This is what is called a "time honored tradition" because it has been around since 1907. Each high school has an ambassador court of Senior Females. These young ladies must give a memorized speech to the student body and answer an impromptu question. Then the student body votes and really the person that looks the best in their evening gown wins -Scroll down - Grace Neal was CHS ambassador.
On Friday, March 17, 2006 - I was in charge of the entire event at CHS. Not only did I make the programs for the assembly, I created a Powerpoint presentation of each you lady. We practiced two nights with their escorts on stage. I invited two volunteers to the practices to critique speeches and the young ladies listened and actually changed some of their words at the last minute.
The ambassador chosen to represent the school receives a $3,500.00 scholarship, clothes and has the opportunity to be named Rose Festival Ambassador for the city of Portland in June.
I worked my ass off during this event, I had nightmares and headaches. I picked up and delivered flowers in that lovely Portland rain. I am very glad this event is over and I made exactly what the school thought I was worth.
Come on.......take a guess!


El Serracho! said...

got any more pics of young girls?

sinisterhaley said...

Still think the whole event is not too P.C.

El Serracho! said...

but you obviously approve or you would not have volunteered.

sinisterhaley said...

Volunteer is not a word used in the school vocabulary. You are requested to participate, and when a person is trying to land a permanent position - the big bosses ask you to do twice as much because they know that you will.