Thursday, March 16, 2006

Some ideas are better when you're drunk!

Let me explain the title. Saturday afternoon say about 4:30, the cow and I found ourselves with time on our hands. This hasn't happened in a few weekends because of selling a house, buying another, job fairs and classes that I had to take. So, at 4:30 we set off to the Lucky Labrador. We had read in the paper they were having their "Barley Wine Extravaganza." We walked about a half an hour and grabbed ourselves two tastes each and plowed through some peanuts in the shell. Since it was so early we decided to have a beer/glass of wine. We sat and talked and watched people. It is a great people watching place because it is big and well lit (not to bright though).
I mentioned we should walk over to this little pub I had noticed when we first moved, but the cow decided it was Langano lounge time. This place has NO words to describe it. Except maybe crappy. But MAN o MAN could Julie mix a drink. I ordered my standard whiskey sour. Julie grabbed a shaker glass, a sugar cube, an orange, 1/2 of a lime and started her magic. We were the only people in the place - except for the guy that noshed down his Ethiopian food in about 1 minute. Did I mention that Langano lounge is in the basement of an Ethiopian restaurant. Well as you probably know - mistakes start to happen here. Mistake number one - I had a second whiskey sour. It was even better the second time around. After we chatted with Julie about the Airstream that she and her boyfriend are restoring from the frame up, we decided it was time to walk home and go find some music (mistake number two).
I have been wanting to see Calvin Johnson (deep, sexy, sultry voice). I got word that he was playing about one mile from us. We walked home and headed on down to see him. Remember by this time it is only 8:00. We finally found the place and again we were told to go to the basement to watch the concert. It was an all ages gig with no booze and Calvin wasn't the opener he was at the end. Age sets in and we decide we are hungry. We need to decide if we are going to go back to the basement after dinner or call it a night.
For once I was the one who had energy. Let me just say, the cow had a couple more glasses of wine at dinner and his eyes got really small and we were home and in bed by 10:30. It is just sad when you realize you are getting old. Calvin, we will meet soon.

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