Monday, April 03, 2006

Birthday at balvo

Sorry - No pictures. You will understand why after you finish reading.

In case the world doesn't know, the cow turned another year older on April 1st - No foolin'. I surprised him with drinks and appetizers at Saucebox and dinner at balvo (new). We ordered ceviche and a cocktail and started to unwind after a very long day of shopping for a refrigerator, moving and packing. It was a well deserved evening out for both of us.
Dinner at balvo was elegant and simple. The frito misto was excellent along with the belgian endive salad with anchovies (yummy not fishy). Our dinners, I had farfalle with shrimp and he ordered the seafood risotto, were good but the cow can make better.
The evening really kicked into high gear when we were trying to decide where or what to have for dessert. The cow ALWAYS wants to go to Pix's place. The reason he merges to this little dessert house is he can get a glass of grappa for $5.00. Since it was his birthday - I let him have what we wanted. We enjoyed a nightcap and lovely chocolate desserts and then headed home.
As we were driving south on MLK blvd there were a couple of cars in front of us acting like they were going to race. They would stop in the middle of the road - yell at each other out their windows and then hit the gas. Then all of a sudden they would both slam on their brakes again and cruise and yell at each other while tapping their brakes. All of a sudden, the cow lays on the horn (this is very out of character for him). He holds the horn down for what seemed to be forever. I, of course, asked him to stop. Suddenly one of the racer guys pulls off onto a side street and we think we can pass the other racer guy. Unfortunately, the light in front of us turned red. We stopped and a motorcycle cop pulled in between both cars and request that we pull over.
Calm, cool and collected (my heart was about to jump out of my chest) the cow rolls down the window and tells his story. The officer informed him that it was illegal to use your horn for anything other than an emergency and that he held the horn for well OVER the alloted 3 seconds. The officer then took his license and was gone for an excruciating amount of time. The young officer returned to the window and said, "you don't live in this area and I just want you to be aware that people can get hurt for honking their horn around here." He then handed the cow a reminder of how much fun his birthday was by giving him a ticket for "blowing his own horn."


El Serracho! said...

living on the mean streets of portland eh? where there is no crime.

El Serracho! said...

i'm just saying.. you told me that there is "no crime" in portland.

El Serracho! said...

where's the moving pics???

sinisterhaley said...

I am back in business...we have cable internet now- I will be uploading sinister pictures soon!