Sunday, April 16, 2006

Rain and limbo!

Most people I know have an obsession with the weather. I would probably have classified myself that way up until about 3 months ago. After coming back from vacation in Montreal - I realized that everyone deals with weather differently. It was butt-ass cold there and I thought how do people live here! But growing up in Central California when daytime temperatures would easily hit 110 degrees - I also think "how do people live there?" When the cow and I moved to PDX I was very nervous about the weather. Rain! It always rains in the NW. Every time I talked to people they would say "how are you going to handle the rain?" Well - my answer is - I don't check the weather anymore. I don't watch the weather part of the news, I don't read the weather section in the newspaper and I really don't listen to the radio weather report!
I simply prepare my clothes, shoes, coat and hat as if the day will bring EVERY type of weather. So far, I have done pretty well - most days in Portland, you get a bit of a shower, bursts of sun, deep dark clouds and rain (this is happening right now but I am not kidding you less than 20 minutes ago it was bright sunshine) and beautiful sunsets over the west hills!
I took these pictures while in LIMBO - after school and before making it home for the evening.

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

me too. and don't forget - rain can make you wet.