Friday, August 04, 2006

Berries - a built in defense

I realized there was no good reason that we were paying for berries as I gazed at the never ending berry bushes along the rail line behind our house. There were literally millions of them dangling from the vines. I pulled on pants and a long sleeve shirt and went on a mission to get enough berries for our salads for two nights.
Little did I know the reason there are so many berries on said bushes is because they have a defense mechanism built in called THORNS. The thorns on berry bushes are deceitful. Some of them are so small you can't see them with an untrained eye. I myself went in to pick berries without gloves. Foolish beginner! As my bowl was beginning to fill - I got a bit greedy. I went in for a few more of the plump, delicate little beings and all of a sudden - THORN. I drew my hands (notice that is plural) back so fast that I dropped all of the berries I had just picked.
Pissed and disgusted, I was not going to allow the berry bush to win. I walked home, grabbed some THICK ASS gardening gloves and went back to show that bush what I was made of.
After all my hard work and looking at the picture the reward was miniscule but worth every moment when I ate my salad that evening.

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