Thursday, August 24, 2006

Pouring Concrete?

I woke to the sound of a LOUD construction workers voice on a cell phone right outside my bedroom window at 6:55am. Needless to say- I was pissed. The cow left for work and I decided to take care of a few items on the computer. I could not concentrate due to a diesel engine idling below the window (son-of-a-bitch just turn the damn thing off). I decided to calm my nerves and go for a walk. Please notice the gray clouds in the picture. I am a sunshine girl and I had to wear long pants and a light jacket. The walk did make me feel better but I returned to this behemoth right outside my front door.
There is a concrete truck idling and mixing at the back of this huge crain. The crain is anchored with four tenacles - two on each side. The concrete gets pumped (more noise) into a trough on the crain and then the handsome guy in the overalls uses this remote control to move the plastic tube over the area where the concrete needs to be poured.
It is amazing the noise here. I know why Tam hides in the guestroom on the bottom level under the futon most of the time. I would like to join her but I don't fit.

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