Thursday, November 23, 2006

While other were driving...

the cow and I met and shot a few rounds of pool. The weather and the traffic were frightful in and around PDX last night. We met at Touche and enjoyed a very empty bar, free pool and happy hour. We then wandered over to Olea to have a glass of wine and listen to a band (the band director from the school in which I work plays with said band). While chatting a server showed up with a plate of nibbles. We informed her that we had not ordered anything to eat. She wondered off confused. Our original server came back with the tasty morsels and said they were compliments of the chef from the band. Life is sweet!
The above picture are from our last stop. Masu! A well regarded sushi joint in an upstairs converted factory building. It was super quiet as we sat at the sushi bar chatting with the chefs. We enjoyed the SOUTHSIDE: yellowtail, jalapenos, asparagus and cucumbers rolled with tempura crisps and topped with avocado and black tobiko; The ST. HELEN'S VOLCANO: whitefish, crab, scallops, shrimp and avocado baked with our volcano cream sauce; AND SEARED SCALLOPS. The chefs were very active getting ready for their busy - post thanksgiving rush on Friday. They were hackin the hell out of some really large fish.

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