Wednesday, July 27, 2005

10-15 Minutes

Within 10-15 minutes Tam had her own PDXantics. She has decided that it is fun to try and get my attention. All of these photos were taken within a very short time period. I was sitting at the computer trying to finish a letter to a school district based on the question "Why do you want to work for the _______ School District?" Tam felt I needed some distractions so she decided she needed a drink of water from the bathroom sink. Notice she has her feet in the sink to get a better gulp. A few minutes later she wanted outside on our HUGE veranda. Normally she sits out near the railings and watches the stupid dogs down below that chase the leaves. But NO, she decided to jump up on the table, this is very nerve racking because it is close to the top of the railing. and when I came out with my camera she knew she was in trouble and started to run. The last picture is in the kitchen. Here is what she does. In the kitchen, jump up, MEOW really loud (GoS and els know what I mean) and then she waits until I get up to turn the water on. Notice she is not drinking just staring at me. I think (anthropomorphic) she has accomplished what she set out to do - get my mind off a really boring subject.
Thanks T

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

they are pests, i tell you.

want two more?