Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Pillows, Flowers and T

If you remember anything about our old house it was that Tam had many places to jump up and look out the window. Well you could say she is not having to jump too much here. Remember we have arranged our place to use every space efficiently and Tam has felt the need to find new locations to hide. Here she is hiding under the table, where I have pillows stored, because she got yelled out for eating my beautiful birthday flowers that klg (I like writing it klg because it looks like keg and I think she drinks that much but usually it is Gin or Vodka tonics) sent me. If you click on the picture you get a close up of how beautiful the cat and flowers really are!
It is going to be 95 degrees today- the weather man calls it a real scorcher- but I think others might disagree!

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