Sunday, October 23, 2005

Would you like to taste some Vodka today?

We are back in business!
The cow and I have been extemely busy. We are moved into Hoy and spending money buying new items for the home. WE LOVE the neighborhood. Walking to EVERYTHING. I will just give you a list because I have enough material for this blog for a year already.
1. Imbibe - Drinks/appetizers - live music.
2. Cafe Castagana - Great simple food.
3. The Italian Joint - Exactly what you think. $9.00 carafe of wine!
4. Zuppans - Local grocery store chain
5. The Bagdad - drinks, movie, hummus plater.
6. Wine shop - tastings on Friday nights.
7. Grand Central Bakery - the best scones and Irish bread (not a bad cup o joe either)
8. Second Thoughts - second hand clothing store with awesome items.
9. Noble Rot - Wine bar and great cheese plate!
10. Stumptown Coffee Roasters - every cup of joe is French Pressed

The Quote: "Would you like to taste some Vodka today"?
We walked into the state controlled liquor store and there stood a gentlemen who makes his own vodka offering for tastings. We just laughed at the question and held out our hands. The cow liked the lemongrass infused vodka the best.
That is a great line....need to work it into a book someday. "Would you like to taste some vodka today?"


El Serracho! said...

hey gina,

thanks for theupdate and welcome back.

as to this spam, i believe there is a setting in blogger which requires commenters to jump through a little hoop each time they comment. this should prevent this auto-generated spam you are getting.

make the cow set it up for ya.

el s.

sinisterhaley said...

Thanks for the help with the stupid spammers! I will look into it!