Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bag of Shoes

Martens Galore! We attended our first Doc Marten's warehouse sale. It is very interesting. You enter their warehouse. They give you a huge plastic bag. They describe how to figure out american sizing from english sizing . The price for each pair is $30.00 smackers.
The young man in the picture "Matt" was buying work boots. He said he had about 15 pairs of boots and he was so excited that he was getting such a good deal.
The cow and I probably tried on 20 pairs each. We ended up with the bag above - 3 pairs each. I will definately go back next time, but might try to see if I can leave with only ONE pair.


El Serracho! said...

no boots?

El Serracho! said...

hello? anybody home here?