Monday, July 10, 2006

10 Julio 2006

Playa la entrega.
We headed to the beach. When you arrive at la entrega you get bombarded by individuals who want you to camp out at their establishments (hard to call them restaurants). We found a couple of chairs and a guy helped us obtain an umbrella for the day (80.00 pesos - ripped off). We got all settled in, ordered some beers, I even think we had gotten in the water when a young mexican woman starts pointing at our chairs and saying something very quickly. It turns out the the beach chairs belonged to her establishment right next to the one we had ordered beers from. She was not going to allow us to sit in her chairs while buying beers from someone else. I quickly found the guy who helped us and relayed as best as I could that I did not want any problems. He started talking to the young girl and said, "no - no problema" so I sat my ass back down. About 5 minutes later a guy came out and started saying similar things. We happily gave up our chairs and when the girl/guy realized that we would rather sit on the sand than buy beers from them they were not pleased. Someone else found us another pair of chairs and we sat, drank and swam for several hours.
After a hard day at the beach we went to Crucecita and had lunch at Iguana (Onix owners). The food was good and simple. Happy and hot we went back to our hotel to cool off in the pool before settling in for the evening.

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