Tuesday, July 11, 2006

11 Julio 2006

The cow and the car. I think we blew the clutch out of this little beast due to all the Tope and buses, not to mention the up-and-down and back-and-forth of the road (that means we climbed many of mountains and had too many switchbacks to count). Our favorite part of driving was the Tope. In the second picture you get a glimpse of the beast. Every time you come to a small village there is a tope to make you slow down. In the middle of the village there is another. At the end of the village there is yet another. The best part about the tope is when they are unsigned and unpainted. You hit them at 40-50 miles an hour and you send the chevy flying. We probably crossed 250 topes easily on our beach excursion (actually maybe more than that). The cow drove for seven hours and safely returned us to Oaxaca.

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